Hello there!
Not sure whether you have seen the latest series of 60 minute makeover but now rather than a manic hour of make over magic they take a whole day - now that would mean 20 cups of tea and one wall stripped if that was me but no two rooms are transformed. What is really interesting is that they now commission a bespoke item for homeowner it is great to see so many artisans on TV, so far there have been glass blowers, wood turners, a sculptress and a screen printer - they are highlighted in the show and we get to see some of the process behind their work also they have a feature on the ITV Website.
Check out the episode on 18th December when I will be the Artisan featured - how very exciting!!
I am really looking forward to exhibiting at The Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate from 21st November, I will be there with many of the exhibitors from Alexandra Palace and hope to meet many more. It will be great to meet lots of new people and I hope that people will like my latest designs and especially "Use Your Stash" because money is tight around this time of the year so a new project using your own wools is always welcome.
I am currently selling my work in London in the fantastic Things British Shop at St Pancras Station. This shop is a riot of ideas and goods from British Makers and Designers, from cards to jewellery, from chocolates to handbags all the products are made here in the UK. If you are around the area do take a look inside check out the knitted wire jewellery by Mahliqa some truly original work! If you cannot get to St Pancras then check out the online shop and buy something British for Christmas.
Two more bits of news!!!
Brighton Christmas Open House starts the first weekend of December (30th November actually!), my kits will be in good company alongside all things Stitch at Quilty Pleasures, do come in if you need and inspirational gift or want to start a new craft in the new year.
Finally I will be at Made in Clerkenwell at the lovely Craft Central from 28th November until 1st December. Craft Central is just the best place to see Artists Studios, Designers and Makers all under one roof. I am thinking there could also be mulled wine!! I really have appreciated the support Craft Central have given me this year and am really looking forward to kicking off the Christmas season with them!
Monday, 18 November 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Playing with the big boys!
So from 10th to 13th October I had my own stand at The Knitting and Stitching Show Alexandra Palace - it really was rather grown up!
I really enjoyed myself and met so many people all with stories to tell - more on this later.
Being a tapestry designer is quite a lonely road so it was brilliant to meet Emily Peacock who has been ploughing the furrow for quite a while. I love Emilys bold designs she really is the Queen of Font! Take a look at her website here and revel! A big thanks to Emily for making me feel so welcome, I think the carpet between my stand and hers was well and truly worn in!
As you will know from previous blogs I want to exhibit the art side of my business alongside the kits and patterns, one person at the show who is doing just this is Suraya Rina Hossian. Suraya runs Mahliqa Knitted Wire Jewellery and you can buy one of her pieces direct or follow her instructions and buy a kit to knit your own. I saw one woman walking past my stand admiring the kit she had just bought from Mahliqa she was very happy and told me she was wondering which outfit it would go with best! It was great to see Surayas smiling face every day!
Finally it was great to meet up with Kim Thitticai, Kim is probably the main reason I have got myself into this textiles game. It was by attending one of her courses that I managed to get into Morley College and complete my textiles foundation. Kim was working on the Vilene stand showing people how to use this fantastic product for more than just stiffening a collar. Take a look at her blog and be inspired here.
As well as the stand holders it was great to meet so many stitchers and artists. It's not often you get to meet an ecclesiastical stitcher, a hand weaver and a dialysis community worker all in the same place yet alone in the same hour. I really enjoyed listening to peoples stories of stitching and all the memories that seeing tapestry evoked. I spoke to Heather Magill who informed me that she had stitched a tapestry of grand masters, small tapestrys of famous paintings. "Is it from a kit" I asked, "no I just knocked it up myself" she replied. Well here is a picture of her improvised tapestry which is spectacular a true work of art. Thanks Heather from one artist to another!
Photo courtesy Heather Magill
I will be in Harrogate in November for the Knitting and Stitching show there and am so looking forward to meeting more artists and seeing their work!
Thursday, 3 October 2013
One week to go!
So in one weeks time you will be able to come and see me at Knitting and Stitching Show Alexandra Palace. The show runs from 10th October to 13th October and is a great place to see news ideas and visit old favourites. Alongside the sellers there are exhibitions from individuals and groups which provide even more inspiration.
I am really looking forward to seeing Mandy Patullo who works with secondhand fabrics collaging them with other materials to make really poignant art pieces. I will enjoy talking to her about all things second hand or pre-loved.
The second exhibition that interests me is Sewing for Survival: Arctic Stitchery which will show examples of Inuit stitching from Canada. I like the title because I expect that along with making garments and home-wares to keep warm and survive that the stitching also forms a community which is as important to survival as warmth.
Sticking with the Canadian Arctic and moving to the Australian outback Dorothy Caldwells Exhibition In Place looks like a great way to travel the globe via the medium of texture and print. I like the size of the work and think it will have a great impact on the viewer.
Finally the queens of texture and colour will be exhibiting again. Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn always inspire I like how a collaboration has lasted over time, their exhibition this year takes a more personal theme and involves looking closely and then at the whole be sure to check out Rhythms and Counter Rhythms when you visit.
There are many other exhibitions and of course the stands and the classes, so if you have time after all that please pop by and see me in the Textile Gallery TGC5!
I am really looking forward to seeing Mandy Patullo who works with secondhand fabrics collaging them with other materials to make really poignant art pieces. I will enjoy talking to her about all things second hand or pre-loved.
The second exhibition that interests me is Sewing for Survival: Arctic Stitchery which will show examples of Inuit stitching from Canada. I like the title because I expect that along with making garments and home-wares to keep warm and survive that the stitching also forms a community which is as important to survival as warmth.
Sticking with the Canadian Arctic and moving to the Australian outback Dorothy Caldwells Exhibition In Place looks like a great way to travel the globe via the medium of texture and print. I like the size of the work and think it will have a great impact on the viewer.
Finally the queens of texture and colour will be exhibiting again. Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn always inspire I like how a collaboration has lasted over time, their exhibition this year takes a more personal theme and involves looking closely and then at the whole be sure to check out Rhythms and Counter Rhythms when you visit.
There are many other exhibitions and of course the stands and the classes, so if you have time after all that please pop by and see me in the Textile Gallery TGC5!
Monday, 23 September 2013
Supporting your supporters!
Tina Francis - Journey - Photo Martin Christie
I have work in two exhibitions that open this week. The first is called Down to the Bone and is being held at Onca Gallery here in Brighton. Onca Gallery works to raise funds for conservation projects through it's exhibitions, it is a fantastic space with a main gallery and then a smaller space down below that leads on to a small courtyard. Exhibitions here are always well received and the quality of the work means that they are well attended. The Down to the Bone exhibition is being curated by Sara Abbott, Sara is a fantastic artist who uses her skills to paint large and small scale dog portraits in oils. She absolutely loves dogs and through her work has donated a large amount to charity, I especially like her portrait of Haatchi who won the Hero Dog at Crufts this year. Sara has really been supportive of my work and so I am glad to support her by adding my piece to her exhibition - good luck Sara!
My second piece is in The Zeitgeist Open at ZAP at ASC Studios. I am sort of astounded that I got into this exhibition there are so many fantastic artists who will be exhibiting. I dropped my piece off on Thursday and was met by the power duo that it Annabel Tilley and Rosalind Davis, I was on my way to London Design Festival and feeling a little bit jaded thinking about my round London trek but 5 minutes in the company of these women charged my batteries - they seem to give off energy! I have been really supported by ZAP this year and love what they do for everyone involved, alongside the Summer Show and the Open they also run educational events on a regular basis all this and their own practices too!
So if you are in Brighton please do drop into Onca Gallery from 25th - 29th September. The ZAP Open runs from 26th September to 5th October and is part of Deptford X contemporary arts festival 27th September to 6th October.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Summer still here in our hearts!
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All images copyright Tina Francis Tapestry 2013 |
Speaking of learning it has been back to the drawing board for me over the last few weeks as I start to get some new designs ready for The Knitting and Stitching Show this will be the first time that I have exhibited at Alexandra Palace and it really is quite nerve wracking, I am dreaming of shelves and display stands! A few of the new designs are shown in the photo above.
I will be in the textile gallery and someone who taught and encouraged me to become a textile artist will also be there, she is Kim Thitticai one of the hardest working people I know just check out her diary and events page! Going on Kims experimental textiles course meant that I was able to gain a place at Morley College on their Textile Foundation Course, I love the way she uses colour and texture in her work and also how she encourages people to experiment. If you are coming to Knitting and Stitching Show be sure to check her out if you have not already.
It's a great time of year to start thinking about taking up a course at night school, without these courses I would not have been able to start my business. The thing about going to night school is that all the people who go want to learn and are generally a good old bunch. Why not join a textiles course in your local area and see where it takes you.
Off to carry on preparing!
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Colour it's where it's at!
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Journey - Tina Francis 2013 |
Back in Brighton I decided to take a look at other people that enjoy colour as much as I do and found kindred spirits in Will at Bright Bazaar and Tina at Colour Living. The Bright Bazaar blog is a great place to start your working week as the inspiration provided by Wills "10 Things I Learned and Loved this Weekend" will see you through the Monday blues (and yellows and reds!). Tina at Colour Living was already on to a winner by sharing "my" name, her site is packed full of inspiration, ideas and most importantly beautiful book recommendations, take a look next time you have some time.
Speaking of colour take a look at the beautiful logo from Luke Insect for the Lewes Art Fair, I love the simplicity of the design and the colours used.
I have stand at Lewes Art Fair this Saturday 24th August which also sees the start of the Artwave Festival. If you around Lewes way why not pop in and say hello?
So what is next on the horizon? I am in an exhibition called Down to the Bone in September, the piece at the top of this blog will be for sale. It's called Journey because so often we look at the outside of a person or an animal and think everything is fine but look underneath and you really get to understand where they have come from. The piece is the front and back of my stitching and will also be available as a print.
Knitting and Stitching Show is fast creeping up but more of that in the next blog.
Happy Colourful Stitching!
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
One busy week does not a business make!!!
Petrol - Tina Francis - 2013
I am off to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival and along the way I will be taking the advice of Craft Scotland and visiting some of the great exhibitions and Craft shows that will be taking place during August. I am really looking forward to the short break and just being able to look rather than do, I need a break and this is why.......
The week starting Monday 15th July was one of the busiest of my life!! It began with a meeting at Craft Central with Dr Rachel Smart who after listening to what I had been doing, what I wanted to do, how many projects I had on the go and how many hours sleep I was getting gave me some fabulous advice on how to step out of this whirlwind and get myself in order!!! Now I love a list and I am pretty pedantic about ticking things off so Rachels advice on making targetted lists was joy to my ears - list making with permission! It has really helped me to look at my practice and question my choices, I'm not stopping on the ideas front just writing them down and investigating them rather than tangenting off into the merry world of research and then having to stay awake half the night catching up on making! Thanks Rachel!
Next a second trip to London to drop off a small piece of work for Zeitgeist Summer Open. Zeitgeist Arts Project is run by Rosalind Davis and Annabel Tilley and this exhibition was a chance for all ZAP members to show a small piece of their work and meet each other alongside collectors. It was a fantastic show and I met some great people and even sold my piece Petrol (above image) which was a total bonus. Meeting other artists and listening to what they are doing really does give you a bit of confidence to carry on with it all, thanks ZAP gang!
During the whole of the week I was stitching like mad because I am going to be on TV as part of a makeover show in the Autumn. So on the Friday of my whirlwind week I was being filmed on the sunny terrace outside my beach hut studio, it mad me laugh quite a bit (inside of course - had to be sensible on film!!) because I had never had to stitch on camera before, it was one of the hottest days of the year and I was stitching with warm wool! As they say in the trade it was a wrap and so once I know when the show will be on TV I'll post it on here, probably be just a shot of me trying to thread a needle under time pressure in the blazing heat but hey any publicity is good publicity - apparently!
So there we go, the reason why I need to take a little break from myself and look and talk and listen to the makers of Scotland and then come back happy and ready to yet again get on with it!
Enjoy the sunshine and happy stitching!
Friday, 5 July 2013
Meeting and greeting!
Meeting people who love stitch is the highlight of any show for me being a maker sometimes means lots of hours alone with the radio so it was a great surprise when I had a knock on the door this morning. Standing on the doorstep were the Shermans wondering whether they could see my work - what an honour! Sam Sherman is a keen stitcher and so I took them down to the Gallery and showed them my wares and talked about stitch for a while. Sam bought two of my "Use Your Stash" patterns and will be taking them back with her when she returns to the States. As you can tell this really made my day! But I think that I need to keep my studio a little tidier in the future!
Meeting people who make for a living is hard even in a small town like Brighton so I am really pleased that some local makers have got together to create the Brighton Etsy group. Their window display can be seen at Super and Super. A lot of energy is going into this group with a mentoring programme being run in July, check them out if you are a maker in Brighton.
At the start of this week The Big Forest issued a challenge, this challenge is to remain positive. It's hard to do sometimes but when you start getting out there meeting and greeting and the sun is shining you just can't help yourself!
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Flaming June?! Well Crafting June probably better sums it up!
So June is now here - I don't know about you but this year is flying by. Maybe it's because we don't really seem to have gotten started weather wise or maybe it's because I haven't lifted my head high enough from my stitching to notice time going by!
I am very excited this month to be taking part in Fusion at West Dean College in Chichester. West Dean is famous for woven tapestry's and so I am hoping that my tapestry needlepoint designs will be well accepted. It's a great weekend event with many activities taking place, I'm looking forward to meeting other makers and craftspeople there.
As my time will be taken up by this event I will not be able to attend some of the Craft and Maker Fairs happening in Brighton. If you are visiting be sure to take time and visit Makers Boutique on 8th June at Brighton Unitarian Church, always an eclectic mix of makers and designers they also have a residency at the Fishing Quarter on the seafront until August. Craftaganza on 15th June will be held in Fabrica which is in the centre of good ol' Brighton Town, there are some great makers this time check out their blog to "meet the makers". Finally as if that wasn't enough Brighton Craft Alliance round the month off on 22nd June back at the Unitarian Church it will be the first time in the centre of town for this new team so take a look and see what you think.
Finally a big mention to We Make London who celebrate their 5th Birthday this year. Mary and the team really are some of the hardest working people promoting craft and designers around. Without them I would not have been brave enough to take my "wares" to London last year. Have a great time visiting them in Camden Lock on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month until September. Happy Birthday!!!
Friday, 24 May 2013
Last weekend in May!!
This weekend sees the last chance to view my exhibition Resonance. This exhibition features my tapestry needlepoint using secondhand wools and is based on how many years ago I was told that "colour is a killer". Now we all know which colours we like and we all have colours we love to wear and so maybe there is some truth in it. I have trouble with blue, I know it's the colour of the sky and the sea but it sometimes fills me with dread when I look in my secondhand wool box and find so much blue to use up!
Talking of Blue if you are in Brighton this weekend after visiting me (!) why not head to Fabrica and see Karina Kaikonnens exhibition "The Blue Route" where she has filled the old church with shirts, shirts and more shirts. Also alongside this exhibition artist in residence Stig Evans will continue to compile names for the colour blue. So maybe blue really is the colour in Brighton this weekend!
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
So May is rumbling on at quite a pace! Along with having my own exhibtion here in Brighton I have found a little time to visit some Artists Open Houses here in the City - there is such a wide array this year and I have particularly enjoyed Tichborne Gallery and From Brighton with Love as they have both satisfied my love of texture, colour and process.
This week I am at Made in Clerkenwell selling tapestry kits, patterns, printed homewares and available to talk to about commissioned stitching.
I am really looking forward to going up to Clekenwell there's always something new to see there. I am especially looking forward to meeting the other studio owners and sellers. Craft Central really is a great group to be involved with as they run courses to help with business planning and marketing as well as providing opportunities for members to sell and display their work - check out the Cloud Leopard which is on display there this May.
So maybe I will see you at Clerkenwell or if you are in Brighton please take a look at my exhibition in JAG Gallery whilst visiting the Open Houses.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
So May is here and the sun has shone (a bit!!)
Here in Brighton the May Festival is in full swing. The children's parade was the usual colourful mass of excitement - it really is the parade the weather can not spoil!
Just one last thing if you do come down to see me at Clerkenwell be sure to visit The Big Forest they have a new bear and he is an astronaut!!!! Hope to see you there!
The first weekend of Artists Open House saw many visitors to JAG Gallery on Madeira Drive in Brighton and my Resonance Exhibition met with good reactions. My exhibition continues throughout May. I am at the gallery most days so if you come in and I am not downstairs just ask for me and I will pop down to see you. The only exceptions are 11th May and 16th-19th May when I will be away from the Gallery.
16th-19th May I will be at Craft Central for Made in Clerkenwell, this is a big step for me because I will be displaying my tapestry kits and printed homewares alongside my bespoke stitching (I'm covering all the bases!!). I am just working out where to put everything and as usual worrying that I will have too much or too little to display. I will be selling my kits and my Use Your Stash range, I'm really looking forward to it!
JAG Gallery Artists are being promoted throughout May, here is my entry into their hall of fame!! Louisa White is a fantastic Artist and so it is great to be on the same page as her!
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JAG Gallery Artists Louisa White and Tina Francis - copyright 2013 |
Just one last thing if you do come down to see me at Clerkenwell be sure to visit The Big Forest they have a new bear and he is an astronaut!!!! Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Marching on to May!!!!
Well, well, well!!! The sun has got his hat today - it's crazy how differently the sun makes the world look. It's firing me up to continue with my current projects and look forward to May.
The month of May sees the month long Brighton Festival hit the streets, parks and galleries of Brighton. One of the most interesting parts of the festival is Artists Open House, over the four weekends in May Artists open their houses and studios to exhibit their work. Last year my small exhibition in my very small front room attracted over 700 people!!
This year I will be exhibiting my work in JAG Gallery, Madeira Drive which is part of the Kemp Town Trail. It is a small exhibition called Resonance and is also part of Craft and Design Month.
I will be at JAG Gallery for every weekend in May with the exception of the 18th and 19th of May as from 15th to 19th May I will be in Clerkenwell at Craft central for Made in Clerkenwell. I will be launching two new printed kits at Clerkenwell here is a sneak peak!!
The month of May sees the month long Brighton Festival hit the streets, parks and galleries of Brighton. One of the most interesting parts of the festival is Artists Open House, over the four weekends in May Artists open their houses and studios to exhibit their work. Last year my small exhibition in my very small front room attracted over 700 people!!
This year I will be exhibiting my work in JAG Gallery, Madeira Drive which is part of the Kemp Town Trail. It is a small exhibition called Resonance and is also part of Craft and Design Month.
They are based on my drawings and photographs of jellyfish that got washed up on a Scottish beach a few years ago. I still have to stitch them to ensure the colours and details work so they may change a little before Made in Clerkenwell.
Happy Stitching!!!!
Friday, 22 March 2013
A week to reflect!!
Well this has been a bit of a week for me all in all. The Knitting and Stitching show went really well, it was great to meet many like minded people and talk about stitch. I had a great if tiring time, I was so lucky because my stand was opposite two people whose work I have admired for many years the lovely Gilda Baron and the equally beautiful Eliza McClelland. Both of these women were so helpful to me and gave me loads of advice and happy smiles when I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people that came to the show.
An example of Elizas work
An example of Gildas work
My pop-up stand!!!!!
After being at Olympia for the Friday and Saturday, Sunday morning saw me taking down my large stitched piece from the 13 Women show in Brighton, it's great to have this piece back safe and sound.
This piece (A Woman's Weave) will form the basis for my solo show Resonance which will be on display at JAG Gallery, Brighton during May for National Craft and Design Month.
I am very excited to be exhibiting at Craft Central from 15th May as part of Made in Clerkenwell, I will have some new kit designs and will also have extended my "Use your Stash" range.
Finally (!) I have been accepted to exhibit at Fusion a weekend event at West Dean College in Chichester in June, this place is the home of Tapestry and so it will be great for me to display my work there and also sell some kits!
Quite a couple of weeks! Off to update my website now!!!
An example of Elizas work
An example of Gildas work
My pop-up stand!!!!!
After being at Olympia for the Friday and Saturday, Sunday morning saw me taking down my large stitched piece from the 13 Women show in Brighton, it's great to have this piece back safe and sound.
This piece (A Woman's Weave) will form the basis for my solo show Resonance which will be on display at JAG Gallery, Brighton during May for National Craft and Design Month.
I am very excited to be exhibiting at Craft Central from 15th May as part of Made in Clerkenwell, I will have some new kit designs and will also have extended my "Use your Stash" range.
Finally (!) I have been accepted to exhibit at Fusion a weekend event at West Dean College in Chichester in June, this place is the home of Tapestry and so it will be great for me to display my work there and also sell some kits!
Quite a couple of weeks! Off to update my website now!!!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Spring Knitting and Stitching Show - here I come!
So here I am getting ready for The Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia. It's really exciting for me as I did not think I would be doing a show like this for another year or so but the opportunity to have a pop up stand for two days was too good to miss.
I will be there on 15th and 16th March on Stand E14, alongside my tapestry kits I will be launching a new range of pattern charts that use only 10 metres of each wool colour. They are simple designs and include the design that I use to create my bespoke stitching. The range is called Use Your Stash and I hope it really encourages people to use up the odd wool they have hanging around. I hope to add printed designs to the range later in the year, I'm working on them after Olympia.
So if you are coming to Olympia please pop by and say hello, it will be great to meet you and talk about tapestry needlepoint until the cows come home!
I will be there on 15th and 16th March on Stand E14, alongside my tapestry kits I will be launching a new range of pattern charts that use only 10 metres of each wool colour. They are simple designs and include the design that I use to create my bespoke stitching. The range is called Use Your Stash and I hope it really encourages people to use up the odd wool they have hanging around. I hope to add printed designs to the range later in the year, I'm working on them after Olympia.
So if you are coming to Olympia please pop by and say hello, it will be great to meet you and talk about tapestry needlepoint until the cows come home!
Friday, 22 February 2013
Craftaganza - Brighton
I will be at this event on Saturday 2nd March. It's held in an old church and to be honest is worth a visit just to see the stained glass window!!!! But I know that you will want to do more than that! Some stall holders will be there for two days but many will be around for just one of the days - this is a great idea because it encourages more people to join in and it also means that people get to see more craft in a weekend by visiting on both days!
There are some fantastic stalls this time round check out the Craftaganza site here. I'll see you on Saturday and will be visiting on Sunday!!!
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Use Your Stash
I will be launching a new range of needlepoint patterns at The Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia II on stand E14 on 15th and 16th March.
The title of this collections is Use Your Stash and is a way of getting avid stitchers to use as much of their wool stash as possible.
Do you have a stash of wool's in your wool drawer (box, chest, room!!) that have languished there too long? Maybe because they are not the right colour or you only have a small amount or that you just have not yet found a needlepoint pattern to use them on?
Each design in the Use your Stash Range uses only 10 metres of each colour wool and can be shrunk or enlarged to fit the amounts of wool you have.
What was that?
How on earth will all my weird coloured wool's match together?
Don't worry! You don't need to work for Pantone or Dulux to be able to stitch these patterns. Each colour is used at least twice in each design which creates harmony to the eye.
And who's to say which colours go together - by the end of your stitching your piece will have a unique colour combination,it will be bespoke and will have cost very little. Oh yes and it will mean there is space in your wool stash for more gems!!
I will post a sneak peak in a week or so's time. Until then....
The title of this collections is Use Your Stash and is a way of getting avid stitchers to use as much of their wool stash as possible.
Do you have a stash of wool's in your wool drawer (box, chest, room!!) that have languished there too long? Maybe because they are not the right colour or you only have a small amount or that you just have not yet found a needlepoint pattern to use them on?
Each design in the Use your Stash Range uses only 10 metres of each colour wool and can be shrunk or enlarged to fit the amounts of wool you have.
What was that?
How on earth will all my weird coloured wool's match together?
Don't worry! You don't need to work for Pantone or Dulux to be able to stitch these patterns. Each colour is used at least twice in each design which creates harmony to the eye.
And who's to say which colours go together - by the end of your stitching your piece will have a unique colour combination,it will be bespoke and will have cost very little. Oh yes and it will mean there is space in your wool stash for more gems!!
I will post a sneak peak in a week or so's time. Until then....
Thursday, 14 February 2013
What's happened and what's coming up!
So it's been a year since I got in touch with Wendy Hope-Falkner of One Off Designs One Off Needle Work and asked her advice about getting my tapestry designs printed on to canvas to make kits. Wendy gave me great advice and I now have quite a few kits for sale.
I have sold my kits at Spitalfields Market through Designer Makers www.designersmakers.com and We Make London www.wemakelondon.blogspot.co.uk, in Brighton at Craftaganza brightoncraftaganza.wordpress.com and am even in the process of getting my page up on Craft Central craftcentral.org. So it's been a bit of a year!!!
On 1st March a large stitched piece by me (100cm by 70cm) will be on display in Brighton Library as part of 13 Women exhibition iloveartuk.com/shows/13-women-2013. This is an international exhibition and I am very excited that stitch is part of the show alongside painting, printing and sculpture. If you are down Brighton way please go in and take a look it's always good to have expert opinion! As with all of my bespoke stitching the piece will available as a print, the difference this makes to the stitch is interesting as you can see from the picture above which shows my Charley kit as a printed cushion.
Next on my list is to take a pop-up stand at Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia II on 15th and 16th March. Knitting and Stitching Show this is a new show and so they have introduced pop-up stands to encourage new designers and smaller concerns to get involved. To say I am a bit scared is an understatement but it will be great for me to meet loads of stitchers and get to know what people really want to stitch. I will be introducing the start of my new range called "Use your Stash" where patterns will take only 10m of any one colour so there's no excuse for left over wool to remain tangled in your work box! I will also be selling tapestry printed homewares so that tapestry needlepoint can begin to invade every room in your house!
So from one small email to a very kind woman to all of this, it's a bit silly isn't it!
Monday, 28 January 2013
Latest Commission
It's always nice to work on a commission for a family member. Now I am from quite a large family so I'll just say my cousin has recently finished her nursing degree and is taking up her first post in March. She has worked for the NHS for many years and decided to change tack and become a nurse. Well done her!!!
She met many wonderful people on her course and one friend in particular. She asked me to design and stitch a piece of tapestry for this friend that included the quote "to unpathed waters, undreamed shores" it's from A Winters Tale.
Here is my design, I wanted to put something into it that represented the nursing community that she and her friend are now joining. I looked up nursing symbols and chose the one that has two serpents and wings, this is an international symbol so in order to bring it back home I added a small yellow light to represent Florence Nightingales lamp.
The stitched piece will be perfect to make into a lumbar cushion for a hard working nurse to rest on when she finishes her shift or will be framed, it's up to my cousin to decide after all she is the customer!!!
It's a really simple design but it means so much - I am currently stitching it up and maybe, just maybe I'll stitch a secret one for my cousin as well but probably in cross stitch for framing.
Happy Stitching!!
It's always nice to work on a commission for a family member. Now I am from quite a large family so I'll just say my cousin has recently finished her nursing degree and is taking up her first post in March. She has worked for the NHS for many years and decided to change tack and become a nurse. Well done her!!!
She met many wonderful people on her course and one friend in particular. She asked me to design and stitch a piece of tapestry for this friend that included the quote "to unpathed waters, undreamed shores" it's from A Winters Tale.
Here is my design, I wanted to put something into it that represented the nursing community that she and her friend are now joining. I looked up nursing symbols and chose the one that has two serpents and wings, this is an international symbol so in order to bring it back home I added a small yellow light to represent Florence Nightingales lamp.
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Nurse Symbol |
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Tapestry Design |
The stitched piece will be perfect to make into a lumbar cushion for a hard working nurse to rest on when she finishes her shift or will be framed, it's up to my cousin to decide after all she is the customer!!!
It's a really simple design but it means so much - I am currently stitching it up and maybe, just maybe I'll stitch a secret one for my cousin as well but probably in cross stitch for framing.
Happy Stitching!!
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
So that was Christmas and new year then!!!! Have been working on a rather large tapestry for an exhibition that I am in March. The piece is 100cm by 70cm, I really enjoyed stitching it but it really did take over so much so that I am only just getting round to realising it is 2013! The show that I am in called 13 Women and is being held at Brighton Library, for those of you who do not know this building it is relatively new and has floor to ceiling windows, the works are all 100cm by 70cm and will be hung in the window space. here is a link for the show and my profile page http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151363030534872.497159.316334084871&type=1
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