Well we seem to be flying through January already! I have been spending some time getting myself sorted for the coming year and generally been doing my favourite thing the world List Making. Second of course is ticking things off!
February sees three of my pieces exhibited alongside other RBSA tutors in their Love Art, Buy Art, Make Art exhibition. Its a great way to see work and then of course decide whether you want to learn something new with one of us, there are some fantastic tutors there.
In March I will be exhibiting with ICHF in Glasgow and Birmingham at their Sewing and Stitching Shows. In Glasgow I will be demonstrating how to stitch tartan in tiny little brooch format, do come by and check me out. On display will be stitched gallery work and of course Use Your Stash! At Birmingham I will be exhibiting "Mandala Madness!" which will see lots and lots of plastic circles stitched up with second hand wool giving ideas about how to use up yours. Alongside me will be the work from my stitch group "Spring Hill Stitchers" and you will be able to see how the group has progressed from never stitching before to creating their own designs and masterpieces. Stitching really is good for the mind and soul! I will also be running a workshop every day on the Vilene education stand using our old friend bondaweb to create some fantastic Troika Pottery inspired art!
In May I will be exhibiting all on my lonesome at Coffin Works I am really excited and work is well under way. You can find out about here and I will be adding more information about workshops and demonstrations as the months go on.
On many Thursdays I will be at Ink Berrow Design Centre in Redditch teaching classes and generally having a great time! Ink Berrow have a taster day on 30th January so do please come along and see what this gem of a place celebrating its 25th year has to offer!
I am running the Open Studios here in Jewellery Quarter in the summer but that really is too far ahead to think about at the moment!
So with all of this going on it's time for a stock take, all orders placed up until 29th January will be sent out week beginning 1st February when we will be back to normal service and there will be some new items in the shop too!
Until next time happy stitching!